Individual Customer
Individual Customer
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Credit Balance Financing: CB
It is a loan that lend money to investors for allowing them to purchase listed securities (Listed), new shares of listed companies (PO/PP) and IPO (Initial Public Offering). Moreover, investors can bring this loan to pay for refinancing from other brokers’ CB accounts in accordance with TSFC's rules and procedures
Investors who wish to borrow this type of money must open a CB account with TSFC. Besides, they have to trade through the Securities Companies who are affiliated with TSFC
Once the investor has approved the credit limit. Prior to the buying of securities, the investors have to create purchasing power by putting up cash or pledging securities as collateral.
The company will make a mark-to-market valuation every day, then the purchasing power varies to the changing value of securities. In case of collaterals drop to the trigger point, TSFC can call for top-up or implementing force selling and will be operated on a case by case basis.
IPO Financing
- It is a source of funds that supports customers who need funds to subscribe for IPO shares, which can be subscribed through TSFC's Credit Balance account.
- Only TSFC Credit Balance customers can use this type of loan.
- Must be an IPO that TSFC accepts as collateral only.
- Can use cash/shares as collateral for subscriptions.
- Borrowing limit per person does not exceed 50 million baht.
- Loan term not more than 3 months
Employee Stock Ownership Plan: ESOP
It is a loan to directors and employees to purchase shares of the Company offered for sale to directors and employees of the Company or its subsidiaries. TSFC will contact the employer company that has issued the ESOP program to offer loan services, and employees and directors can contact TSFC through their employer's company.
Employee Investment Plan (EIP Financing)
Definition of lending
It is a project to encourage employees to invest in employer shares on a regular basis every month Using the Dollar Cost Average (DCA) principle, by which TSFC lends money to employees to buy the employer's shares in the Stock Exchange of Thailand and pledge the purchased shares as collateral with TSFC.
Terms of loan using EIP Financing
- The borrower must be an employee with a regular income of an employer whose shares are traded on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
- The employer must sign an agreement with TSFC to deduct the salary of the borrower's employee and collect it to TSFC monthly throughout the securities investment period and repayment period.
- Loans are withdrawn every month to purchase shares of employers on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. TSFC will pay the purchaser directly to the seller.
- Maximum loan amount does not cause repayments more than 30% of salary.
- Long-term loan not exceeding 10 years.
The benefit of EIP Financing
- Acts as a source of financing to employees who do not have enough capital to invest in employer shares.
- It is a long-term investment. Don't worry about stock price fluctuations and investment timing.
- Supports employers in keeping effective people with long-term incentives.
- Encourages employees to participate in owning the business they work in.
- Increases opportunities to generate feedback from investments.
- Create investment discipline.
- This can be used in conjunction with the stock accumulation program for employees of the employer's Employee Joint Investment Program (EJIP)